I created this blog to share what God has done in my life, the thoughts that cross the craziness of my brain, and to ultimately share the hope of Jesus Christ!
We Are
We are because Christ created us. We love only because Christ loved us. We live only because Christ died for us.
Romans 15:13
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope , through the power of the Holy Ghost."

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy New Year!
As we all sit around the TV watching the sparkling ball of time drop to it's resting place to usher in the new year I can't help but reflect upon what God has given me this past year and how full of blessing it is! :) The adventure that God has taken me upon and I'm sure that you all have as well is beyond what I thought was possible or even imaginable. I cannot wait for the blessings of this upcoming year to come. Keep seeking God and resting in Him for we know not what He is going to bless us with. May you be blessed abundantly! Happy New Year!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas!!
It's the time of year that snow falls (depending on your location) Christmas Trees start appearing, lights start to twinkle in the night, and there's something special in the air. Joy begins to cascade over our souls as we remember that Jesus Christ came to earth as a human baby to grow and sacrifice Himself for us. I am continually baffled and humbled at the thought of Jesus Christ coming to spend time with us because He loved us so much. "What a love, what a cost, We stand forgiven at the Cross!" (Oh to see the dawn lyrics)
Over the past few months I have been learning about grace and how God has shown me it and how to show it to others. What exactly is grace? What does it look like? How does one love and give grace in a trying circumstance? These are just some of the questions that I have been asking myself. (if you have insight leave a comment)
I have been so blessed with the opportunity to work where I work, to be able to go home for the holidays, have the family i have, and to be able to serve a Risen Savior. I can honestly say that i only do what i do through the ever abundant strength of God. :) May God bless you this Christmas Season!
Over the past few months I have been learning about grace and how God has shown me it and how to show it to others. What exactly is grace? What does it look like? How does one love and give grace in a trying circumstance? These are just some of the questions that I have been asking myself. (if you have insight leave a comment)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
End of Summer with a new beginning
August 29, 2011
Hello from the Mountain Top!
With the summer wrapping up, the sounds of camp have faded with the laughter of children and the sounds of plain fun slipping into the background. The air has taken on the feeling of fall and the trees have begun to change. We were extremely blessed with the opportunity to reach out to approximately 1000 children this summer and we had 45+ professions of faith!!! Praise God! Working in the kitchen all summer was definitely a challenge, a blessing, a seemingly never ending adventure, and a time of learning. Cooking for close to 300 or so people a week and running a crew of 8 in a kitchen that reached blistering temperatures is something completely new to me. It is intimidating to think that all the girls that are working with you are watching you and trying to mirror what you are doing. It challenged me to seek God and pour myself into these teens as I work with them day in and day out. I can honestly say that the only way I do what I do is through Jesus Christ! I praise Him daily for giving the strength to keep going forward.
During the summer I was able to counsel for our Buckaroo camp for 6-9 year olds. Buckaroo camp is a two day camp that allows for the younger kids to be able to have a chance at camp without staying for a week. Even though it was a short couple days I had a blast running around doing games, pony rides, and teaching songs to them.
Last week we had our Camp Apprenticeship Ministry Program graduation! All of our apprentice graduates have gone on to the new adventures that God has called them to and it is really awesome to see where God is taking them. In case you don’t remember the CAMP program is for college level students to come and dedicate 1 year of their life to Christ and learn to serve through camping ministry. Our new set of apprentices comes in the 9th of September and we have about 30 of them coming. I am excited and looking forward to what is going to happen this year. We have people from all over the US and one girl from Germany! I will be living in a house with 5 other single staff girls and will hopefully be put with a staff family to be a Jr. Advisor for the year.
Thank you, Jesus, for providing a car for me!! Last week He blessed me with a ’98 Mazda!! It was totally a God thing as my parents found it at a yard sale and due to some minor dents in it they lowered the price drastically! J Mom and Dad brought it up Saturday and it was a blessing to see them and learn to drive stick. Being able to see my parents was so refreshing and fun.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Summer Time!!
Phew! The summer has been in full swing here and we are kicking off week #5!! I have been so very busy the past month that it seems like I have barely enough time to breath! We've had an amazing summer so far and many of our ranchers and volunteers have accepted Christ!!!
There are so many things that God has been teaching me and I honestly don't know where to start. Between all the learning adventures, trials, and extremely fun times I have grown so much. This past week God has been teaching me just to rest in Him and let Him handle it all. I had a couple volunteers that really really pushed me to the point where everyday was a battle to keep cool and love them. Unfortunately I was more like a drill sergeant rather than a loving leader. The biggest question was "How do I show mercy when they blatantly and continually break the rules and pull stupid stunts?" By Thursday I was completely worn thin and that night during a Message from the Mount God showed me through the horse that I wasn't trusting and resting in Him. The next day He filled me with a joy and strength to go on. I was able to talk to one of the hardest of our girls that night and it was such a cool thing to see where her heart was. This week God has been filling me and I want to pour myself into them and love them. It is so incredible to see God's hand working even when I"m so tired I could fall asleep while working.
Stay Strong in the Lord for in our weakness HE is made Strong!!! I wish i could tell all that is going on but it would take a book to write it all :) Keep up the prayers!
There are so many things that God has been teaching me and I honestly don't know where to start. Between all the learning adventures, trials, and extremely fun times I have grown so much. This past week God has been teaching me just to rest in Him and let Him handle it all. I had a couple volunteers that really really pushed me to the point where everyday was a battle to keep cool and love them. Unfortunately I was more like a drill sergeant rather than a loving leader. The biggest question was "How do I show mercy when they blatantly and continually break the rules and pull stupid stunts?" By Thursday I was completely worn thin and that night during a Message from the Mount God showed me through the horse that I wasn't trusting and resting in Him. The next day He filled me with a joy and strength to go on. I was able to talk to one of the hardest of our girls that night and it was such a cool thing to see where her heart was. This week God has been filling me and I want to pour myself into them and love them. It is so incredible to see God's hand working even when I"m so tired I could fall asleep while working.
Stay Strong in the Lord for in our weakness HE is made Strong!!! I wish i could tell all that is going on but it would take a book to write it all :) Keep up the prayers!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I'll be By Your Side
Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away
Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run
And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you
Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the world's sin
So I could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life
Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away
Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run
And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you
Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the world's sin
So I could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life
Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
I'll never let you go The lyrics in this song has been a staple in my day as I walk through the area that God has placed in front of me. I keep searching for something more when in reality it's right in front of me and all I really need to do is embrace it. The things of this world grow dim as the love of Jesus grows in front of me. My life has been a crazy roller coaster of things happening. I was able to go home for a week on vacation and it was such a good time of just relaxing. I returned to the hectic ranch life and we are full swing into retreats and our open house coming up on Monday. Last night was a bit of fun and adventure as we had a BBQ with everyone and then had to head for cover later in the evening due to tornado watch/warning. Thank the Lord no tornadoes hit the Ranch. His hand has protected us every time. We ended the night with fellowshiping while watching a fantastic lightening show and sitting around candles. God is good and He will never let us go!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
God's Got My Back!!
The past couple weeks been simply incredible!! The Lord has revealed Himself to me in ways that I never expected! On April 12th we had our monthly Prayer and Fast day. During that time we had a sharing time and while people were sharing God was working on my heart with anger I had with a person and being so selfish as to want to get credit for things I didn't need credit for. I had be brewing all day and by this point I wanted to scream, punch someone/something, and cry. We sang songs about being in the saviors love and Him always providing. Tears formed in my eyes and my heart broke as God touched my cold heart and asked me to forgive, forget, and trust Him. As one of the apprentices shared some of His experiences God said loud and clear "See Jemi....don't worry...I've got your back!" This hit me so hard as the realization that the Creator of the Universe had MY back! :) I have felt like a little child running to Jesus and having that security of knowing He's right beside me.
While the apprentices where on Spring Break I was at the Ranch working alone all day for two weeks. It was heaven as i was able to spend time talking to God and learning to trust Him! Multiple incredible blessings have been dropped in my lap and everytime God says "See! I love you so much!!" :) I can't tell you how much I am in love with my Jesus!!
There is nothing better than being so completely in love with him and dancing away your day with Him!
While the apprentices where on Spring Break I was at the Ranch working alone all day for two weeks. It was heaven as i was able to spend time talking to God and learning to trust Him! Multiple incredible blessings have been dropped in my lap and everytime God says "See! I love you so much!!" :) I can't tell you how much I am in love with my Jesus!!
There is nothing better than being so completely in love with him and dancing away your day with Him!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Spring Time!!
Hello Family and Friends!
Spring has finally come to our mountain and it is simply amazing! The past few days have been warm and sunny, with a refreshing spring rain, and baby animals are arriving. Every year it consistently reminds me of God’s faithfulness and the birth of new life!
During this time of renewal of our world after a long winter, I am reminded of God’s work in my life. I have come to realize, even while writing this, that God has taken me, and is still leading me, through a winter and into a spring in my life. It began many months ago but the most recent was this past month. I turned 20 and was hit hard with an ear infection, sinus infection and pink eye on my birthday. I was angry at God and myself, everyone and everything. I didn’t understand why, on my birthday of all days, I got sick, no one cared, and I was stuck in my room for 4 days. God took me and basically hit me with a “God by 4,” asking me why I was so self-focused in every part of my life, and why couldn’t I trust Him for every little thing. I noticed that when I began to look to God for my security and to be myself people began to like me for me, not for whom I thought they wanted.
He then began asking me to surrender the thing I held most dear and would run to; my horse, Annie. I cried out in frustration as to why I didn’t want to give her up or why I needed her. He then gently reminded me that I haven’t been using her. It was selfish to keep her when possibly a little girl could enjoy her, and God could use her for His glory. I began talking to my Mom about it and I decided to donate her to a ministry starting up for underprivileged girls. I called them and, lo and behold, they had just been praying for a new horse! I cried as I realized that God wanted me to bless them with her. She will be moving there in a couple weeks. This is extremely hard as I have put my identity in being a horse owner and a cowgirl. All the things God has been taking me through has shown me that God is slowly chiseling out all the things in my life that preceded Him.
Another thing that makes me completely dependent on Him is my health. Recently, as many of you know, I have developed food allergies. These allergies have wiped me out and when I get reactions they leave me weak and tired. I can only pray my way through them and rely on God to give me the strength to move on. I will be going to an allergist to get down to the bottom of this, hopefully before summer begins.
Throughout this “winter” I am learning to be completely content and rely on God for everything. My plans and dreams are very small and pale compared to God’s. Everything that I had worked so hard for seems insignificant and God looks amazing. J God’s will is always so much better.
The apprentices are on Spring Break and have been assigned their summer positions. After they return from break we hit the ground running with our annual Open House, Spring Horse Lovers Retreat, Father Son Retreat, a multitude of other spring retreats, and Summer Staff Training. Our first week of camp starts June 19th, and we are looking forward to full weeks and what God is planning for us!
The Ranch is heading up a Missions Trip to Mexico over Spring Break. They will be ministering to a group of children and a church there. They will be running a VBS for the kiddos, and also doing building projects for the church.
We have a couple weeks open to fill with volunteers for the kitchen if anyone is interested! Check out the Ranch’s website for more information.
· A conclusion to what is going on physically with me
· A heart that is solely sold out for Christ
· Provision of a vehicle
· A crew of volunteers for the summer
· To do God’s will even when it is hard
· Safe travels for Mexico Trip
· Beautiful spring weather
· God’s provision
Friday, March 25, 2011
This is me! This is Who I am!
As I have been laying on my bed sick with a sinus infection, ear infection and pink eye there has been so much God has been teaching me. It's amazing how He uses situations to get you back on track and focused on Him. The past month and a half that I have been here, I have been trying to mold myself to what I thought I should be. But that wasn't what God wanted me to be.He wants to be myself. I wrestled with being myself and allowing God to work through me even when other people think what I do isn't "kosher". I am who I am through Christ. I don't need to be afraid of rejection, or if everyone likes me. I need to be focused on what God made me to be and let Him be the only one that I worry about. The Joy that comes from seeking Christ and Him alone is incredible!
My dreams have become more real to me and I can see what God would have to do someday! Everything that He places in our path is there for a reason. Even when we don't understand them. "For I know the plans I have for you" Jeremiah 29:11
I am a Cowgirl after God and I will serve Him to the utmost for His highest!
My dreams have become more real to me and I can see what God would have to do someday! Everything that He places in our path is there for a reason. Even when we don't understand them. "For I know the plans I have for you" Jeremiah 29:11
I am a Cowgirl after God and I will serve Him to the utmost for His highest!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Broken by Lifehouse Lyrics
Tonight after talking with my Bestest Buddy Katie Goers (whom I praise God for daily) I was listening to Pandora and this song came on. Through addressing some very hard issues of becoming open and true, and other emotional struggles I feel like I am barely hanging on and I am clinging to Jesus while I fall apart. Please listen to this song and let it minister to you as it has me.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus! Look full in His wonderful face! And the things of earth will grow strangly dim. In the light of His glory and grace!"
The past month and a half this has been the theme that God has been putting before me. In the weeks while waiting for the confirmation to go to MMR I was very frustrated and angry for not being able just go. God was asking me to focus on Him and not on what I wanted. After finally getting the ok and a week of working out schedules to get me and my horse moved I had come to where God wanted me. But my focus wasn't fully on God it was still on me. Throughout the week of S.A.L.T. and Sr. Snow Camp I had hit a wall and couldn't move forward. The Lord grasped me and said, "Jemi, where are you? Where's your focus? Your heart? I want you to look at Me and want only Me!" I couldn't get anything done without putting my focus on God. It has been a long training process but I am learning to seek the Lord more fully and live more for Christ than anything! There have been many influences in my life to challange me to live a more Christ centered life! This Journey has been amazing!
Over the past weekend I was blessed with the oppertunity to go to the PA Horse Expo in Harrisburg. It was a weekend full of little blessings. MMR had a booth set up and also a roping station where anyone who wanted to learn to rope could come or just to practice. It was very fun to be able to teach lil' cowpokes to rope and also to meet some pretty cool people! We also were able to minister to the people of the Baptist Church in Perry County! On the way home one of our two vehicles broke down. Thankfully we hadn't actually left Harrisburg and were able to send most of the group back in the SUV and have the blessing of the McLaren boys come and help us fix the van! After an afternoon of playing games in the parking lot, and fixing the van we celebrated at Texas Roadhouse and departed around 9pm. We pulled into the Ranch at 3 am during a thunderstorm and unloaded all of our gear. It was definately an adventure and God was faithful!
I cannot explain how happy I am to have a Heavenly Father who loves me so much that He would die for me, and who dances over me! How can I turn my face from Him when He did so much to gain me? I love my Heavenly Abba so very much!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Your Will Lord, Not Mine!
Sometimes I think I know everything. Sometimes I think I know it all. But when I see the stars in the sky, the mountains high, the wind and sea. How You created me, I feel so small. Who am I to question You? Take this selfish heart of mine and make it new!
Cause I want, Your will not mine! Your way your time! Lord You know so much better than I! My desires but Your own, not my plans but Yours alone. Lord I want Your will, in my life!
Sometimes I think I know where you're leading me. Sometimes I think I know what the future holds. Then my plans they change, You rearrange. All that I do to comply with You. It's my life You mold. Who am I to question You? Take this selfish heart of mine and make it new!!
Cause I want, Your will not mine! Your way your time! Lord you know so much better than I! My Desires but your own, not my plans but yours alone. Lord I want Your will! Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven! Your Kingdom com, Your will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven!
Oh I want, Your will not mine! Your way your time! Lord you know so much better than I! My desires but Your own. Not my plans but Yours alone! Lord I want your will! -Rachel Mozeika
This is a song that my dear friend Rachel Mozeika wrote while we were apprentices at Miracle Mountain Ranch together. Time and time again I have returned to these words. God has taken my plans and dreams and has rearranged them so many times; and though painful at times I see some of why He did what He did. The adventures He has taken me has molded me into the woman He wants me to be.
One of the newest adventures that He is sending me on is the opportunity to become an Intern at MMR in the kitchen. I am currently still waiting for the official yes to come but it is all looking up! It has been a challenge to know that there is a potential job yet being home and just waiting. Waiting for me is like when you put a treat on a dogs nose and they have to wait until the master says its ok :) Some dogs don't get it, others tip their nose down so it drops. While others, even though they don't understand, wait patiently looking to the master for the ok, and then they toss it in the air and chow down on that delicious treat. The Lord has been asking me to wait for my dream of working at the Ranch, and even though I don't understand the wait, the blessing will be all the more sweeter when I focus on Him!
As for an update on the food allergy issue, I haven't been able to really pinpoint a whole lot. I have a Doctors appointment on the 15th of this month hopefully to get some blood tests done to find out exactly what is going on. The reactions have been random and have been becoming more diverse. Physically after every reaction I feel drained and weak. This in itself has been very hard as I like to feel strong and do hard work when I have that option. Also, this forces me to be honest with myself and others how I feel and if I can't do things. Thankfully I haven't been knocked completely off my feet yet and I am pray myself through each reaction.
I am still praying about selling my horse and I have had a few people interested but they have fallen through. God has provided an affordable place to board her if I end up moving to MMR. Thank you Jesus for that! I don't know why He keeps providing me with the means to keep her but I know He has a plan.
January is gone and February has come in with a blast of cold air and lots of ice. We didn't get the blizzard that some got but we did get a lot of slush that froze over. Thankfully nothing major has happened with this weather and I am thankful for that. I still cannot believe that we are already 2 months into 2011!
Prayer Requests:
- An answer on the MMR Intern position
- Answers to all the health things going on
- Provision of a vehicle
- Matching my horse up with the perfect person
- Safe traveling home from the Ranch
-Possible job
-God's faithfulness even when we don't understand
- Safety with the winter storms
Sunday, January 9, 2011
A New Year
Happy New Year everyone! 2010 is now marked in history and 2011 has started with a bang! With only a little over a week into 2011 I have been getting busy and God has been working. For new years I went to Perry County USA with some apprentice buddy's to ring in the new year in a redneck style :) This included an extremely large bonfire (at least 20ft) quarter sticks (don't ask me how we got those ;) a hollow log soaked in gasoline and lit on fire, guns, and old couches we tortured and then burned. It was a great time had by all and it was really fun to see some of my friends again.
After recovering from the lack of sleep from new years I began searching for a job. I posted my resume on the Christain Camps and Conferences website and have received quite a few job oppertunities through that. I'm not sure what avenue I'm going to be taking at this point but God knows.
This week I've been blessed with the oppertunity to go to Miracle Mountain Ranch for a little over a week to hang out with apprentices and talk with staff about some things. It has been such a blessing so far to be able to be around people who have the same passions and want to glorify God.
God has been challenging me so much with multiple things. The two main things that have been going on and that you all could be praying about is where I am supposed to go, and also with all the health issues I have been having. For those of you who don't know what has been going on I have been developing food allergies. Right now I'm on an elimination diet which basically doesn't allow me to eat much of anything except veggies, fruits, chicken, rice and some other random things. I have been able to add some things back in that I've found I'm not allergic to but it is a trial and error type of thing. Please pray that we will figure out what is going on and that I will be able to accept this as something that God has for me and not have a pity party about it. God is molding me to lean on Him for everything even the little things. And teaching me to let Him be the fire in my heart and to let Him be the healer of my heart!
Another bit of info is that I am most likely going to be selling my horse Annie. I do not want to go this route but at this point I cannot afford her and I don't know where I am going. If anyone knows of anyone who is looking for a good horse let me know.
Thank you all for your prayers and support! God is going to do something amazing I am sure of it and nothing is too big for Him!
Elizabeth and I after a jump on the sledding hill :) |
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