It's the time of year that snow falls (depending on your location) Christmas Trees start appearing, lights start to twinkle in the night, and there's something special in the air. Joy begins to cascade over our souls as we remember that Jesus Christ came to earth as a human baby to grow and sacrifice Himself for us. I am continually baffled and humbled at the thought of Jesus Christ coming to spend time with us because He loved us so much. "What a love, what a cost, We stand forgiven at the Cross!" (Oh to see the dawn lyrics)
Over the past few months I have been learning about grace and how God has shown me it and how to show it to others. What exactly is grace? What does it look like? How does one love and give grace in a trying circumstance? These are just some of the questions that I have been asking myself. (if you have insight leave a comment)

I have been so blessed with the opportunity to work where I work, to be able to go home for the holidays, have the family i have, and to be able to serve a Risen Savior. I can honestly say that i only do what i do through the ever abundant strength of God. :) May God bless you this Christmas Season!
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