We Are

We are because Christ created us. We love only because Christ loved us. We live only because Christ died for us.

Romans 15:13
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope , through the power of the Holy Ghost."



Monday, September 29, 2014

God's Timing.....

Time, it is something that no one truely understands. It is a gift that is given in a pre measured  amount. And we never know when that measurement is done. This is was crossed my mind the past couple days as I dragged myself out of my warm cozy bed and forced myself to get ready for work. All the while complaining to the Lord about having to be up and being so excited about going back to bed. I was convicted when I realized that I was blessed with another day to serve my Savior. How selfish of me to grumble about being able to get up and work when I could have been taken home to Heaven or not been able to get up. I purposed today to step up to the challenge of being joyful and choosing to be thankful for the time given. I was also challenged today that am I doing everything in my power to glorify God with what He has given me? Or am I choosing to serve self?
Time is also something when lost we can never regain. It's also something God uses to teach us patience. His timing is always perfect. Sometimes it drives me nuts. Yep I confess I'm a recovering control freak. I came to that realization when God put me on a horse and a trail ride that turned into a training ride vs a pleasure ride. I also find myself wanting my timing over God's timing. My timing would ruin my life in what I thought should happen but God's timing is wonderful! It may not seem that way at the time but we only see the small picture. He sees the big picture. Thank you Lord for giving us the time we have and for showing us Your timing! 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Ever have the days were you feel like you've lived through every season of life (and weather) possible? This week has been one of those weeks. Time is slow yet fast, the sun is out but it rains, the warm air suddenly turns to cold and you don't ever seem to catch up. Circumstances and situations blow what you believe out of the proverbial water and you feel as though you're finding your feet again.
The Lord has shown me a deeper level of life this week. I cannot even begin to explain the recesses of where He has taken me but I do know that I am becoming a tried and true soldier of His. He has been walking me through some of the most difficult yet healing streams He has ever asked me to swim across. It all began with a phone call and that phone call released so many pent up and stuffed up and squelched feelings that I didn't know where there. The relief and healing that started from ripping open a wound that I though had healed was soothing and terrifying all in one. He reminded me in the swirling and churning emotions and everything that came along with that were all part of His plan. Even though I feel like there is absolutely no direction given, deep down I know that He is working all of this out for His glory. The hard times come not to break us but to build us up and bring us closer to the Father who created us. Nothing happens in this world or in our lives that God does not know about or does not care about. How comforting that is! And as we head into the Fall season and the different seasons that God has for us we know that we are forever in His hands.

My hope is in the Lord who gave Himself for me. For me He died, For me He lives, and everlasting life and light He freely gives!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Beautiful Things

Sometimes the most beautiful things come from the most painful things. My heart yearns for times past to return (I realize it is all for selfish gain). I don't know why God brings certain people into my life and then takes them away. Sometimes I feel like it was all a dream, a beautiful dream and I can never go back. This new season that God has brought me too will not be easy. This I know. So very desperately I look behind say I want to return because I was comfortable there and my life was "easy." And as a very wise person in my life told me, "Nothing good can ever come if there is no change." Nothing will ever happen the same way twice. It is a reality that must always be faced. God is sovereign, and in that I must rest. For He will guide me in the paths of what I need and whether it is leaving everything I've ever known, or people coming and going from my life, or seeing someone get what I so desperately want knowing and resting in the knowledge that He is controlling everything and that His timing is best.
      Under the

Truth Nugget            Jeremiah 29:11