Ever have the days were you feel like you've lived through every season of life (and weather) possible? This week has been one of those weeks. Time is slow yet fast, the sun is out but it rains, the warm air suddenly turns to cold and you don't ever seem to catch up. Circumstances and situations blow what you believe out of the proverbial water and you feel as though you're finding your feet again.
The Lord has shown me a deeper level of life this week. I cannot even begin to explain the recesses of where He has taken me but I do know that I am becoming a tried and true soldier of His. He has been walking me through some of the most difficult yet healing streams He has ever asked me to swim across. It all began with a phone call and that phone call released so many pent up and stuffed up and squelched feelings that I didn't know where there. The relief and healing that started from ripping open a wound that I though had healed was soothing and terrifying all in one. He reminded me in the swirling and churning emotions and everything that came along with that were all part of His plan. Even though I feel like there is absolutely no direction given, deep down I know that He is working all of this out for His glory. The hard times come not to break us but to build us up and bring us closer to the Father who created us. Nothing happens in this world or in our lives that God does not know about or does not care about. How comforting that is! And as we head into the Fall season and the different seasons that God has for us we know that we are forever in His hands.
My hope is in the Lord who gave Himself for me. For me He died, For me He lives, and everlasting life and light He freely gives!
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