Forward Always In Trusting Him
Today the act of faith was lived out before my very eyes. And it was such a random and awesome way! I was out at the Never Say Never Therapeutic Riding Center with my friend Emilia and we were working some of their horses. Mia asked me to ride her horse Max! Now let me tell you about Max. He is a big, beautiful Grey (there are no true white horses) Kentucky Mountain Horse and he is just plain grand! He honestly reminds you of Maximus from the movie tangled (that's how he got his name) He will sniff out where he is at and when he listens he cocks his head (which is by the way adorable!) But the best thing about Max is that He is completely blind! As I worked with him I noticed that he needed confidence and security. He needed guidance over obstacles and directed around the arena. At one point he didn't want to follow my direction but the other horses in the arena. I was talking to him and all of a sudden I was like "Max, you need to have faith in me, it's Forward Always In Trusting Him." And just like that all of the spiritual analogies of what Faith looks like and trusting God. To walk by Faith and not by sight. As I was traveling home, I was pouring my heart out to my Heavenly Father about the desires of my heart. And I am realizing even now about how much I don't trust Him, and not walk by faith. My new prayer is that I would walk by the faith in Jesus Christ who has everything planned out for my life!
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you said the Lord, plans not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future." (paraphrase)
I created this blog to share what God has done in my life, the thoughts that cross the craziness of my brain, and to ultimately share the hope of Jesus Christ!
We Are
We are because Christ created us. We love only because Christ loved us. We live only because Christ died for us.
Romans 15:13
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope , through the power of the Holy Ghost."

Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
I can only imagine forever!
O to grace how great a debtor
daily I'm constrained to be!
Let thy goodness, like a fetter,
bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the God I love;
here's my heart, O take and seal it,
seal it for thy courts above.
This song has been one of my favorite songs to sing for years! And I love to sing the last verse because there are so many times that my heart wants to wander. Wander from this or from that or not give up this or give up that for the cause of Christ. I pray everyday that my heart would be sealed by God's hand and nothing else! So that one day I will will be able to sing praises of His grace and love in His marvelous courts and worship Him all day long forever!
Wow, ever think of forever?? It's like.....well....forever! :)The idea of forever is slightly frightening that is for sure but I am really excited! Imagine, God welcoming you at the Pearly Gates, and every day, (even though there is no time there) you get to run around and sing, play games, worship, eat amazing food, and the River of Life? you betcha! Gonna have water fights ;) It all just makes me laugh and smile and I honestly cannot wait. Seeing Jesus all the time and being able to ask those questions that you've been waiting to ask Him! And meeting all of the people in the Bible that I've read about and studied for my whole life! Whoa! So fun! I can just see story time with David, or Moses or Adam and talking about Creation....sigh sounds well Heavenly!
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